
We host regular meetups for the creative coding community and all those who are curious about it. These meetups provide an opportunity for community members to network, collaborate and exchange ideas in a supportive and inclusive environment. Furthermore, they are an opportunity to showcase their work and receive feedback from peers.

NL_CL x CCU x off-NIME: From-Scratch Session
7 Sept 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Makers Meet & Eat
7 Jul 2024
, Nijverheidskade 13, Utrecht
Composting Computers
29 Jun 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
ADELA International Festival of Generative Arts
28 May - 2 Jun 2024
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Artist Talk: Benjamin Gaulon
16 May 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
TouchDesigner Meetup April
25 Apr 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Queer Code Meetup
14 Mar 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Permacomputing Meetup with Acid Solder Club and Vincent Schoutsen
15 Feb 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Creative Coding Meetup with Linalab
16 Jan 2024
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Live Coding Jam with Cookie Collective
15 Nov 2023
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Queer Code Meetup
24 Oct 2023
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Permacomputing Meetup
21 Sept 2023
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Live Coding Meetup
12 Sept 2023
CCU Studio
, Vlampijpstraat 84
Makers Meet & Eat 2023
24 Jun 2023
Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Digital Care: Remko Scha
17 Jun 2023
, Nijverheidsweg 6, 3534 AM Utrecht
TouchDesigner Meetup #3
15 Jun 2023
The Havenloods
, Nijverheidsweg 6
Processing Community Meetup
25 May 2023
The Havenloods
, Nijverheidsweg 6
TouchDesigner meetup
2 Feb 2023
The Havenloods
, Nijverheidsweg 6
Meetup Yin-Gemis; A meetup about women in tech, and the lack thereof
12 Oct 2021
Hof van Cartesius
, Vlampijpstraat 94